


定价: $7,400

请今天就致电 86-22-23202098

(美国中部时间 周一至周五:8 a.m.- 5 p.m.)

Model 720 Flange Press

With 3 hp Power Unit

List Price:听 $11,150

请今天就致电 86-22-23202098

(8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST, Monday - Friday)

Optional Equipment

Additional Hose Length:
• 20 ft. in lieu of 12 ft. ...........$155.00
• 40 ft. in lieu of 12 ft. ...........$455.00

* Single phase power units are available at additional cost.

感兴趣的产品(至少选择一种)/Type of Machine Interested in (select at least one)*
维特尼切割冲压联合加工中心 /Whitney Punch-Plasma Combinations
水虎鱼联合冲剪机 /Piranha Ironworker
维特尼激光切割机 /Whitney Laser
维特尼精细等离子切割机 / Whitney Advantage Plasma
伯茨卷板机 / Bertsch Plate Roll

采购日期/Decision Date
1个月/One Month
3个月/Three Month
6个月/Six Month
12个月/Twelve Month